Yesterday finally felt like the fall I look forward to every year. Warm-ish. Smelling of nostalgia. Colorful. All those lovely things. I took a walk. At first, I was feeling a little sorry for myself that it was a walk alone, but I started taking pictures. The more pictures I took, the happier I became. I thought of my sister sending a photo diary of the State Fair back to CT to her friend. It occurred to me that there was no reason not to treat my random outings alone as things worth documenting. If I want experiences in life, perhaps I must treat my small joys as "experiences", and then, just maybe, I won't be so full of longing. I'll still want to travel and take in places that are unfamiliar with friends and family, but there will be beauty in finding pieces of my city/state that I don't know so well yet too.
And so...I'm not quite sure how this project will go, but here's the start of the project that I'm calling "Variations on a Theme in G Major".
Ford Bridge:

Looking from St. Paul to Minneapolis:
Off the edge of the map:
Hat left behind, Minneapolis side:
And now we know where I was...

And someday, I might even get this layout thing down...
This made me miss home so much!