Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Today is the equinox. Ms. Amos wrote once:

"We move into a state of perfect balance today.
As much Light
As much Dark...
A new cycle is in motion, and we have chosen to move with it....
The harvest has come in. Whatever that is. Gathering in and getting rid of that which will not serve me in the coming months..." (reprinted at Here In My Head)

What is my harvest right now? What do I gather to myself? And what do I part with?

I have already posted about potential for my new cycle, but there is something about the concept of "gathering in" that I want to play with.
The other day, I was talking to my sister about autumn, and how it has always been my favorite time of year. I waxed rather poetic about the colorful leaves being the pyre of the Year King in his passing, though this is not a time of mourning. If the periods of stasis are beneficial personally, surely the earth needs this time just as much. This is the time the earth gathers itself together; it rests, like the Judeo-Christian god after creation.
Autumn, and the move into the dark season, is the world's/gods'/Creation's gift to us. As the earth pulls its energy inwards, so too, can we. We can turn the energy that has been focused on others, focused on work, focused on anything but our own lives as creative beings, and turn that energy inwards for a time.  

I am very aware of the fine balance one must keep in terms of "looking in" v "turning energy in."  Looking in can be more like stewing, the dangerous over-analysis that is not useful, and not healthy.  This is what I can cast from myself at this time.  Instead, I commit to myself in balance. I make my connection to my own lights and darks, while dispelling their governing influence.  

I also cast from myself (though this will take more doing than just saying it) grasping, envious behaviors.  I gather in compassion and self-larger-than-self. 

 A new cycle IS in motion, and I choose to move with it.  

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